Summer is officially underway here in Katy. It's been super warm the last week or two and the pool is finally open again. Our neighborhood has a little kiddie pool that the boys like to swim in. We're getting James used to the water again as he is starting swimming lessons at the YMCA in the middle of June. He's getting better about floating on his back and holding his breath under the water. He still doesn't quite have the hang of kicking yet but I know he'll get there. We're hoping to spend a lot of time at the pool this year.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pool Fun
Posted by The Hadley's at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bowling fun
This past Saturday James went to a bowling party for his soccer teammate, Anthony. Brian and I decided to bowl a game so John could play as well. James had a blast rolling the ball down the lane. We had to teach John to say bye-bye to the ball since he tried chasing it a few times and fell on his toosh. All in all, we had fun and might give it another try when they are a bit older.
John getting some help from Daddy
James bowling
I wonder if it will hit the pins this time?
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Congratulations Jocelyn!!!
My sister Jocelyn graduated with her Master's Degree in Sociology this past Friday morning. We are so incredibly proud of her accomplishments! In a few short years, she'll earn her PhD and will be Dr. Jocelyn Lewis. She accepted a teaching position for this summer. I think she's going to do an amazing job. Here are some photos from graduation.
Dad, Jocelyn and Mom
Dad, Jocelyn, and Monica
Jocelyn outside Reed Arena
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
John went to his first baseball game ever last Friday. He seemed to have a good time. I didn't get any pictures of him. He was throwing a fit because I wouldn't give him the camera. We went to support Marissa because her school's choir was singing the National Anthem that night. We only stayed through the 5th inning because it was getting really late and Katie and Tori had 8 am soccer games. I definitely have some lessons learned from the experience. Next time, either get food before the game starts or eat dinner before entering the ballpark. The lines were horrible and it took forever to get some hot dogs for the boys to eat for dinner. They both gobbled them up and left me with nothing to eat. Thankfully the girls didn't eat all of their nachos so I had something to snack on.
From front to back - Cameron, James, Kristen, and Darren

Cinco Ranch Junior High Choir (sorry it's blurry. Katie took the picture.)

The rest of our weekend was fun through. We ran errands and went to James soccer game on Saturday. Then Sunday we hit the zoo and ate lunch at Freebirds. James loves the quesadillas and John likes to share my burrito with me. After lunch, we went to Lakeshore Learning down by the Galleria. This store is awesome!!! It's a teacher/classroom supply store and they have tons of activities out for the kids to play with. We had a great shopping trip before heading home.
Posted by The Hadley's at 9:47 AM 1 comments