James attended his first ever live show Sunday afternoon. I took James and his friend Cameron to see Playhouse Disney Live. It took James a while to understand what was going on but after a few minutes he was interacting and having a great time. He got to see the Little Einsteins (Rocket included!!), Tigger, Pooh, Darby (My Friends Tigger and Pooh), Handy Manny, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and Donald (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). Both of the boys had a great time. It was a real treat for them to do something without their siblings.
James and Cameron (ignore the band-aid, he dreamt he hit is head and insisted he needed a band-aid)
Silly faces
Monday, December 31, 2007
Playhouse Disney Live
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Sam's birthday party
James attended a bithday party for his classmate, Sam on Saturday. It was an inflatable place. All the kids had an absolute blast. Their favorite was the huge slide. Towards the end of their time in the inflatable room, all the kids would line up on the wall of at the bottom of the slide and one of the dads would push the wall and bounce all the kids off. They must have done that about 20 times before the dad was worn out. I'm so glad that James has made so many new friends at his new school. Here are some photos from the party.
James at the bottom of the slide
All the kids lined up on the wall
Being bumped off
Posted by The Hadley's at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Christmas with MaMaw and Poppa Steve
We celebrated Christmas with MaMaw and Poppa Steve on the 27th. They got a new soccer ball, a few new reader books, puzzles, games and Pat Pat Rocket (Little Einsteins). They both love that toy. James loves to run around pushing it while John likes to put the Little Einstein figured in and out of their seats. They stayed home from school on Friday to spend time with Judy and Steve. James even got to help on Brian's big fence project! That was just the beginning of a very busy weekend for us.
James with Pat Pat Rocket
John opening the soccer ball
Posted by The Hadley's at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas this year!! We had a wonderful time celebrating with the Lewis clan - Poppa, Gammy, Aunt Jocelyn, and Max. The boys had a great time opening gifts although James thought they were all for him. Once we explained that the gifts were for everyone but that he could help open them, he was happy. They got so many great things this year - lots of puzzles, books, learning videos and games, dinosaurs, clothes, etc. They will definitely be entertained for the rest of the year. The adults also got some great gifts as well. Here are some photos from Christmas morning. Please excuse the stain on James' pajamas. He didn't care for the hot chocolate we made him.
James got a bucket of dinosaurs from Santa
Color wonders markers and paints from Santa
John insisted on reading the book James just opened
James opening a game from Gammy and Poppa
John opening a gift
Posted by The Hadley's at 8:01 AM 0 comments
New tile!!
Well Brian and I finally made a decision on flooring for the downstairs in our new house. We decided to put in tile since it's less expensive and will stand up to the kids and dog better than laminate. The guys started the project on the 20th and finished up on the 22nd. It was three very long days but it's all finished and it looks awesome!!! We are so pleased with the results.
Here's the living room and part of the dining room
Here's the dining room
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Congratulations Sally (and new furniture)!!
Sally is now an official college graduate!! We all met up in Georgetown to help her celebrate. We got to see all of her beautiful artwork (and even brought some home with us!!) and spend time with her and Jason before the holidays. During our visit, we made a trip down to our favorite furniture store to pick up a new dresser and nightstand for John. While we were there, we found a dining set that we loved and just had to pick up as well. We also got furniture for the guest room. My dad is going to bring everything down to our house on the 21st - just in time for Christmas!!
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:52 AM 0 comments
First trip to Chuck E Cheese
James went to Chuck E Cheese for the first time ever to attend a birthday party for a classmate. He had such an awesome time. He was totally into the toddler rides that just go back and forth. He would come get a coin and run to ride and then come back for another coin. His streak of disliking people dressed up as characters continues. He wanted nothing to do with the guy dressed up as Chuck E Cheese. We sat at the table while all the other kids ran to get goodies and tickets from the guy. Then it was off to ride Barney, Bob the Builder and Stuart Little again.
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Mustang Children's Christmas Party
Shortly after returning from Tucson, the boys got to attend the Mustang Children's Christmas party. It was western themed so they got cowboy hats and bandanas, fished for gifts, panned for gold and lassoed stick horses. James didn't want to be within 10 ft of Santa. John on the other hand sat on his lap like it was just any other guy. Here are some pics.
Cowboys James and John
Panning for gold
John and Santa
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Thanksgiving adventures
We took our very first road trip as a family for Thanksgiving. We traveled to Tucson, AZ to visit Brian's family. We stayed with his aunt Susie and Uncle John. The boys had a marvelous time. The weather was fantastic and so they were outside from sun up to sun down. Susie and John have an awesome playground in their front yard that James just loved. He spent hours swinging and going down the slide. They got so see lots of farm animals up close including horses, hens, and goats. The drive really wasn't that bad. John was fine as long as you read him stories and James was content to watch movies the whole time. We even saw snow on our drive back. A winter storm hit El Paso just as we drove through. Here are some pictures from our trip.

John lounging in the hammock

Four generations of Hadley men

Posted by The Hadley's at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Catching Up
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted on our blog. I have lots to update everyone on so here goes...
Posted by The Hadley's at 7:15 AM 0 comments