Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas this year!! We had a wonderful time celebrating with the Lewis clan - Poppa, Gammy, Aunt Jocelyn, and Max. The boys had a great time opening gifts although James thought they were all for him. Once we explained that the gifts were for everyone but that he could help open them, he was happy. They got so many great things this year - lots of puzzles, books, learning videos and games, dinosaurs, clothes, etc. They will definitely be entertained for the rest of the year. The adults also got some great gifts as well. Here are some photos from Christmas morning. Please excuse the stain on James' pajamas. He didn't care for the hot chocolate we made him.

James got a bucket of dinosaurs from Santa

Color wonders markers and paints from Santa

John insisted on reading the book James just opened

James opening a game from Gammy and Poppa

John opening a gift