Monday, April 21, 2008

Quick update

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. We've been really busy with soccer and small home improvement projects. Brian's been working in Kansas during the week so we can really only tackle projects that can be completely finished in under two days. We're definitely looking forward to him being home this summer so we can start painting and doing bigger projects again. The boys are both feeling better. The past two weeks have been rough. John was fighting allergies and a virus one week and then James hit his head hard enough to warrant a trip to the ER at 2:30 am last week. He was having concussion headaches and vomitting so the pediatrican said to get him checked out. He's feeling much better these days. No more headaches or vomitting and he's got his appetite and energy back. I'm hoping they are both able to attend school all 5 days this week!!

The MUD finally started work on the park going in next to our house. They excavated the parking lot area last week and hopefully will start framing soon. The MUD can't start any other construction until the utilities are relocated but hopefully that won't take too much longer. It will be really great if the park is completed by the end of the summer.

Well that's it for now. May is going to be a very busy month for us. There's loads of activities on the books - a baseball game, Jocelyn's graduation, a bowling birthday party, Brian and James' birthdays and of course more soccer. Stay tuned!!