Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Well it's a bit late but we wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We had a hectic yet wonderful Christmas this year. We spent the weekend before Christmas painting and redecorating Kristen's kids' rooms and surprised them with the results on Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas morning at our house before heading up to my parents' house to open gifts with my Dad and sister. After a yummy Mexican lunch, we headed over to the hospital to visit my Mom for a little while. We ended the night with a delicious Christmas dinner at Kristen's house. The kids all got to show each other what Santa brought them and play together for a while. We got up the next morning very early as Brian and James had an 8 am flight to catch to Tucson. They had a wonderful visit there with Brian's family members who live in Arizona. They got home on the 30th and then headed up to Granbury to visit Brian's sister, Sally, and her husband, Jason. I stayed back in Katy to be able to visit my mom in the ICU after her surgery on Monday afternoon. We hope to have my Mom back at home recovering early in 2009.

Opening presents at MawMaw and Poppa Steve's house

Opening presents at Gammie and Grandpa's house

John all done opening presents from Santa

Santa brought James a Darth Maul lightsaber

Checking out the gifts from Santa