Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Well thus far my two big resolutions for 2009 are going well. James is doing very well with his prep work for Kindergarten. We are using a workbook he received as a Christmas gift from Aunt Jocelyn. We do two worksheets and read for 5+ minutes a day. The worksheets involve colors, numbers, letters, etc. The best part is that they really get him working on his writing skills. He was doing really well with tracing the dots provided but now he's finally starting to write the letters and numbers on his own. Kindergarten Orientation is on March 31st. During this time, they'll evaluate James and see if he's emotionally/socially ready to go to school. I have no worries. He makes friends really easily and isn't afraid to leave me.

My second big resolution was to get John potty trained by his third birthday. I'll admit, I was very lazy from August through December but once we got back from Disney World, we really started working hard on it. Just this week, I moved him into underwear. Thus far he's only having one accident a day which is great!! I'm taking him to the bathroom every hour and he goes every time. I'm hoping that by his birthday he's initiating the bathroom trips. John will be starting Preschool in the Fall which is really exciting.

One of my minor resolutions is to get ready for our new baby way before he's due to arrive. (I had nothing ready when John made is entrance 5 weeks early) Thus far, I'm doing really well. The crib is put back together and the nursery was painted last weekend. (Thanks to two wonderful friends, we got the nursery and John's room painted all in about 6 hours) I've also got everything I need to use cloth diapers this time around. They are way better for the environment and so much cheaper than buying diapers/pull-ups and wipes for 2.5 to 3 years. The clothes have been washed and put away. Everything else can wait until Jude actually arrives in ~18 more weeks.