Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jude at 5 months

Jude is 5 months old today and is such a joy. This month he started eating solid food and moved from 6 oz bottles to 8 oz bottles. He also started rolling over front to back and is almost able to roll from back to front. He loves to play in his exersaucer and really enjoys bouncing in his Jumperoo. Jude takes two short naps each morning and usually one really long nap in the afternoon. He is so close to sitting up on his own right now. I can tell he really wants to be able to do it. I'm sure he'll master it in a week or two. Once that happens, he'll start sitting in shopping carts and high chairs in restaurants. Jude still has dark curly hair and blue grey eyes. He's still in 6-9 month clothes but will be moving up to 9-12 month once the weather makes a decides to stay cooler. Jude has also started grabbing the bottle and pulling it towards his mouth. I imagine he'll be able to hold it himself soon. Also, everything goes into his mouth these days, especially his fingers. He is a very drooly baby which is new because James and John weren't. We often have to change his outfit in the middle of the day because the front is all wet. Hopefully he'll get teeth soon and the drooling will subside.

Here are some photos of Jude today.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog