Friday, November 20, 2009

Jude is 6 Months Old!!!

They say time flies when you're having fun and boy has it been flying lately! I can't believe our little JuJu Bean is 6 months old already. Where has half a year gone?!?! Jude has been a trooper through the whole house construction process. He spends a lot of time in the car and has been really good on the long rides to and from Katy. This past month he's moved up to his convertible car seat as it gives him more room to relax. Unfortunately, it means no more infant carrier so he's been almost forced to learn how to sit up in a high chair and a shopping cart. Thankfully he has learned quickly and is a wonderful shopping companion.

He's also doing really well eating baby food. He really likes apples and peaches. He doesn't care for pears very much so I have to sneak them in with the other fruit. He's only tried sweet potatoes once and didn't seem to like them very much. I'll have to keep on trying. Unfortunately, with all the driving back and forth, he hasn't been able to have regularly scheduled meals. I'm lucky if I can give him solids once a day. My aim is once a day on Tuesday and Thursday and twice Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Jude can now roll over front to back as well as back to front. He has also just recently mastered sitting up on his own. He'll also try to pull himself up to standing from sitting if you give him your fingers. Jude still loves his pacifier and has almost mastered getting it back into his mouth by himself. Jude is a huge "talker". I really think he likes the sound of his own voice and he only has one volume - loud. The thing I love most right now is his giggle. I don't really call it a laugh because it's not a really from the gut laugh. He loves to giggle when his brothers do silly things or when I sing funny songs to him.

Jude just got his first haircut this past weekend. His hair was getting really long and kind of shaggy so we took him in to get him cleaned up. He looks just like James did at this age. He even has blue eyes just like James, although Jude's are more blue grey while James' are more blue green. Speaking of James, Jude is now wearing 12 month sized clothes and is using all of my favorite outfits James used to wear as a baby. They are just as cute on Jude as they were on James and John.

One of the reasons I love fall and winter is all of the holidays and in my opinion, there's nothing better than a baby's first holiday. Jude celebrated his first Halloween here in Houston with our family and my parents. Next week will be Jude's first Thanksgiving and next month will be his first Christmas. I can not wait!!! Another first coming up for Jude will be his first camping trip. We will be going to Fredericksburg, TX the day after Thanksgiving to camp for two nights. Hopefully Jude will go with the flow and enjoy the time outdoors with his family and friends.

Here are some photos I took today of Jude sitting up.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog