Saturday, February 20, 2010

James' First Rhinofest

James attended his first ever Rhinofest yesterday evening. It was a very well organized and thought through event put on by the Rylander PTA. There were tons of carnival games, crafts, a cake walk, food, snacks, as well as live and silent auctions. James had a blast playing all the games and seeing tons of friends from school. We walked around, played games and ate for about two hours before taking his treats and prizes back to the car. After that, I donned my volunteer shirt and the two of us manned the three ring circus booth for the final hour of the event. James was such a great helper explaining how to play the game, taking tickets and handing out prize tokens to the kids who came to our booth. Here are a few photos of James doing sand art and playing the bean bag toss game.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog