Friday, August 20, 2010

Jude at 15 months

Jude is turning into such a little boy these days. He's trying his hardest to keep up with his two other brothers whether reading books with John or playing the Wii with James. He's mastered walking and has started really trying to run. He's getting pretty good about staying on his feet and not toppling over anymore. Jude has come to enjoy the swimming pool over the summer. We've been going a couple of times a week so he gets lots of time in the water. He still only has two teeth but the two top ones are getting really close to finally poking through the gums. Again, only having two teeth does not stop this child from eating ANYTHING! He even manages to eat steak!! Jude drinks about three glasses of milk a day but prefers to drink whatever I'm having at the moment whether it's water or tea. He's actually pretty good at drinking from an open cup provided we're holding on to it. Jude is wearing size 24 month clothes which he thankfully has not outgrown yet. I think they'll continue to fit him until the weather finally cools down.

The biggest change in the last three months has been Jude's move to his big boy room. He's been sleeping and napping there for the last three weeks and still no troubles whatsoever. He's happy to stay in his bed until someone comes to get him and goes right to sleep when he's laid down. I've actually started calling him Linus as he really loves to drag his blanket around after him like Charlie Brown's friend, Linus. I'm working really hard on keeping the blanket in his bed though as it's quite large and always seems to be in the way. I'm also slowly but surely working on cutting down Jude's pacifier use to sleeping only. We keep losing pacifiers and I would prefer to not buy anymore. Both James and John were around this age when we started working on taking the pacifier away.

Jude is such a little character. At 15 months he's throwing some pretty funny temper tantrums. He checks behind himself before laying down on the ground and crying about whatever he didn't get. It's actually pretty funny. I'm hoping that by laughing at him now, he'll learn that they don't get him what he wants and the tantrums won't get any worse. He's also got several different fake laughs that crack me up. I think the best thing about the fake laughs is that he knows he's doing it just to get me to laugh. Jude loves to play peek a boo and will hide behind things and poke his head out just to hear you say "boo". Jude is also learning body parts and can point out his head, tummy and nose.

Jude went to his 15 month appointment on Friday. As suspected, he's really tall for his age (97th percentile) and finally starting to trim down (only 75-90th percentile). He had to get three shots and would have done wonderfully if the nurse hadn't taken her dear sweet time between shots two and three. Also on Friday, Jude's third tooth finally cut through the gums. It's the top left tooth and I can tell it's going to be a big one. Hopefully the top right tooth will cut through the gums in the next week or so.

Here are some photos of Jude in his favorite place to play these days. We were given this playhouse by our friends Jay and Mo and Jude is in LOVE with it. He's definitely our outside boy.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog