Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jonah at 4 months

Jonah is four months old now and lots of changes are about to take place. He's now old enough to start solids, play in the exersaucer and hopefully start transitioning to his crib. He's still taking Prevacid for his reflux and I've started adding rice cereal to his formula to help with his excessive spitting up. It definitely seems to be working thus far. He still spits up some but definitely not as much as before. Jonah had been sleeping well at night for the past several weeks in his bassinet that I attempted to move him to his crib last week. After three nights of lots of crying, I gave up. He's again sleeping happily in his bassinet. As long as he's sleeping all night long, I won't complain about him being in our room still. We'll try again in a few more weeks and see if it goes better. Jonah recently discovered his tongue and that he can make noises with it. Hopefully that won't impede his ability to eat solids. I'm not a fan of having rice cereal spit at me. Jonah's check up went well. He's now up to 14lbs 9 oz and is 25" long. All in all, he's growing really well and is hitting all of his milestones. He had to get two shots and one oral vaccine. He was already upset for some reason so the shots didn't upset him that much. He stopped crying shortly afterwards. Jonah is definitely starting to outgrow the swing and bouncer. They don't hold his attention and he tries to roll out of them. Thank goodness for seat belts. He had his first experience in the exersaucer at my parents house on New Years Day and seemed to enjoy it. It's still a chore for him to hold his head up so he didn't stay in it for too long. He really enjoys the play mat right now. He likes looking at the toys and grabbing them. I'll keep you posted with all the new experiences as they occur.