This past weekend was our Cub Scout Pack's camping trip at Bovay Scout Ranch. In a lot of ways it reminded me of Camp Texlake growing up but it was also very different. Let's be honest. Girl Scout camp does not have pellet guns, archery, golf, or BMX biking. James had a wonderful time and enjoyed all of the various activities regardless of his skill level. I'm sure as he gets older, he'll get much better at his aim. The camp itself was really nice. The bathrooms were clean (well after our service project) and the water was hot (after the guy in charge turned it on). The major downside was that the water park was closed so we had to improvise with water balloons and a sprinkler. We had heard that the food was gross but every thing they served tasted yummy to me. We definitely learned a few things about camping at Bovay that we won't forget next time - mainly to bring your bike and helmet, fishing gear and cleaning supplies to clean the bathrooms before you start using them. We have another camping trip scheduled for the end of May that we're looking forward to.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
First Grade Field Trip to the Oil Ranch
Last Friday I was able to attend the first grade field trip to the Oil Ranch. It was a very full day and we were blessed with wonderful weather. It was a bit windy but the breeze kept it from getting too hot. The kids had an absolute blast. They got to see lots of animals in the barn and ride the ponies twice since there was no one behind our class in line. They also got to ride the train and search for stones in these little sifters in a stream of water. I think the only thing his class wasn't able to do was the hay ride and I'm not complaining about that (they make my legs itch). Here are some photos I took that day.
Posted by The Hadley's at 11:34 AM 0 comments
James' First Concert
Last Thursday night James attended his very first concert. Brian's cousins were in town with their band so we took James to go see them perform at the House of Blue's. He seemed to enjoy the music even though he said it was very loud. We were able to go back stage to see the whole band later on in the evening. The drummer was awesome and gave him a set of her drumsticks. He also got a couple of guitar picks from Brian's cousin John. After that, we all headed down to the restaurant to eat a nice meal together before heading home. Here are a couple of pictures we took at the show.
From April 2011 Blog Photos |
From April 2011 Blog Photos |
From April 2011 Blog Photos |
Posted by The Hadley's at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Jonah at 7 Months
One word to describe Jonah at 7 months - Sitting!!! Jonah is massively improved on his sitting abilities over the past month. He now sits in high chairs, shopping carts and in the bath tub. He sits on the floor and plays with toys. He wants to be sitting up in the stroller as well. Jonah is still growing well and is now eating two solid meals a day (when I can remember it). He's eating pears, apples and sweet potatoes. I've also made butternut squash which Jonah will start eating very soon. Jonah moved up to the convertible car seat and seems to like riding in it. It gives him more space and sits up more upright. Jonah is really enjoying his brothers these days. He loves being held and getting attention from them. It's also really great to hear him laugh at James' funny voices and faces. Jonah has had an exciting month with our trip to Granbury and going to the Houston Rodeo for the first time. I imagine the next month will be just as eventful for him with his very first Easter as well as working towards crawling, pulling up, and table foods.
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Posted by The Hadley's at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 1, 2011
John's 5th Birthday
The past week has been a super busy one for John. Since his birthday fell on a Monday this year, we decided to celebrate the weekend before he actually turned 5. Saturday morning we got up and headed to my parents house. After a bit of playtime outside in the back yard, we made our way to Chuck E Cheese for some fun and games. We definitely made the right decision by getting their first thing in the morning. There were no birthday parties and we practically had the place to ourselves. All the boys had a wonderful time playing the games and riding the few kiddie rides they had. The best part of being some of the only ones there was that we could let them wander and not have to worry about them getting lost in the crowd. After Chuck E Cheese we visited Academy to get some new tennis shoes. Both boys were in need of a new pair. I was surprised at how much their feet had grown. John picked some super cool red and black sketchers. Lunch took place at Steak N Shake and was super yummy. We even let John get a kids shake which of course was chocolate. After lunch we headed back to Gammie and Poppa's house for cookie cake and presents. John received the book from the musical Wicked from my sister, these super cool foam building tiles from my parents and some games for his new DS (thanks Poppa Mike and Mimi) from us. All were super huge hits. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with the new toys.
Monday was John's actual birthday and was a busy day for him. He got to make a body collage for school, bring special treats and have the class stuffed animal. I was a bit worried about how he would handle all the attention but his teachers said he had a wonderful day at school. That night we ate a super yummy dinner at Texas Roadhouse for the Rylander Spirit Night.
The week ended yesterday with John's 5 year photos at the Picture People and his 5 year check up with Dr. Clarke. The photographer was running super late but John handled it like a champ. He took direction really well and get got some really great shots in about 15 minutes. The boys scarfed down some McDonald's for lunch and then we were off to the pediatrician's office. Thankfully the office is right across the street from the mall AND they are connected by a skywalk!! We managed to get over to the office in about 15 minutes which is way faster than me loading the boys in the van, driving across the street, finding a parking spot, unloading the boys and getting up to the office. John's check up went really well. He passed his vision and hearing tests. He's 41 lbs and 3'6" both about average. After the check-up, we walked back to the mall, got our pictures and then headed home. The day was capped off with Kindergarten orientation at the elementary school. Brian took John and he said it went well. John separated with no issues and had a great time playing with the other kids. He and Brian visited Mrs. Moore's (James' kindergarten teacher) classroom and then headed home. John is super excited about starting Kindergarten at the big school in August. He actually wishes he could go now.
Here are some photos of John's birthday celebrations last weekend.
Posted by The Hadley's at 9:29 AM 0 comments