Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jonah at 7 Months

One word to describe Jonah at 7 months - Sitting!!! Jonah is massively improved on his sitting abilities over the past month. He now sits in high chairs, shopping carts and in the bath tub. He sits on the floor and plays with toys. He wants to be sitting up in the stroller as well. Jonah is still growing well and is now eating two solid meals a day (when I can remember it). He's eating pears, apples and sweet potatoes. I've also made butternut squash which Jonah will start eating very soon. Jonah moved up to the convertible car seat and seems to like riding in it. It gives him more space and sits up more upright. Jonah is really enjoying his brothers these days. He loves being held and getting attention from them. It's also really great to hear him laugh at James' funny voices and faces. Jonah has had an exciting month with our trip to Granbury and going to the Houston Rodeo for the first time. I imagine the next month will be just as eventful for him with his very first Easter as well as working towards crawling, pulling up, and table foods.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog