Friday, October 7, 2011

1st Six Weeks Update

Wow, we had an EXTREMELY busy first six weeks of school. I think I've been trained in everything possible. I had to attend training for Junior Achievement, Popcorn Sales, How to be a Catechist, Faith Formation Lesson Planning, and PTA General Leadership Training. I spent lots and lots of hours volunteering both at the school and at home. We also kicked off our scouting year with our Rally Night and first Pack meeting. We also volunteered at the Alzheimer's Walk and had our first den meeting. The weather also cooled down enough for us to make a long overdue trip to the Houston zoo. We're definitely hoping to get back several times this fall.

Thankfully all of us have adjusted to the new morning routine of getting up and getting ready for school. Unfortunately, the boys only catch the bus half the time. I just can't bring myself to wake them up if they were up late the night before. They do ride the bus home ever day so they have that time with their friends. A new traffic light was installed at the intersection where the school is which has made morning drop offs a lot quicker than last year.

John seems to have FINALLY figured out life at the big school. The first few weeks were rough for him. Lots of marks (notes in his folder about which rules were broken that day). Thankfully the last three weeks have been a complete 180 and not a single mark. I think he's having a wonderful time in Kindergarten now that he's figured out how to obey the rules.

James' class had it's own share of upheaval this year. His teacher found out she was ill and decided she couldn't continue the rest of the year. James had a long term sub for a couple of weeks and then a new teacher was found. The parents get to meet her next week which will be lots of fun. I've seen his teacher a couple of times in the hallways and cafeteria and she seems nice.

Jude and Jonah are both doing well with big brothers being gone at school all day. We've settled into a nice little routine. They get up in the morning and they eat breakfast while seeing the older boys off to school. We usually run errands in the morning before Jonah's morning nap. Once he wakes up, they eat lunch and and try to do any other errands before they both go down for a nap around 2. Those 2 hours are my time to get stuff done around the house in peace and quiet. I try to clean or do laundry or work on my Scentsy business while no one is asking me for snacks or drinks.

Well that's about all for now. I'll see what photos we've taken in the last few weeks. Hopefully another update will come before the second six weeks ends.