Wednesday, December 28, 2011

November Activities

I'm such a horrible blogger. Another 6 weeks has come and gone and I didn't update the blog at all. For that I apologize. I guess we're just too busy living life to stop and write about it. Let's see, the final six weeks of the semester brought lots of activity for the Hadley Family.

I'm not sure if I wrote about Halloween but all the boys had a FANTASTIC time and came home with way too much candy. I swear we were eating it until after Thanksgiving. James dressed up as Thor. John was Wolverine (huge shock to us). Jude was a member of Lightning McQueen's pit crew and Jonah was a cow. We carved pumpkins at Kristen and Darren's house the night before Halloween and then joined them after dinner for trick or treating. I LOVE to see the first time trick or treating clicks for one of the boys. Jude had a BLAST ringing doorbells and saying trick or treat to get candy. Hopefully we'll get to experience the same thing next year when Jonah is just over 2.

November was also the fall camp out for Cub Scouts. Again, I had a Scentsy event to attend so I couldn't go but Brian, James and John had a great time. Our pack went to a new campground out near Columbus. It was kind of like a KOA but it still had nice campsites. The boys participated in a service project and picked up all of the branches and small pieces of wood around the property. This was very important since there still had not been significant rain so danger of fire was fairly high. John made a new friend and had a great time getting dirty in the sand pits with him.

The following weekend I had a Scentsy event to attend so Brian took the boys to the zoo with the Keaslers. They had a wonderful time and Jude especially enjoyed spending time with Abby. Apparently it was a great day to see all of the big cats. They are rarely out and about, especially the tigers. Brian got some fairly good photos of them.

Thanksgiving was just around the corner and we were so excited about the holiday this year. Since Brian's grandfather passed away at the end of the summer, Judy and Steve drove out to Tucson, AZ to spend the holiday with Grandma. We normally go to their house but since they were out of town, we invited Sally, Jason and Blaire to come spend the holiday here in Katy with us. It was so much fun to spend some time with them and get to know Blaire. Thanksgiving day I ran/walked our local Turkey Dash. Man, it was really cold and my legs were not happy with me. I was really sore for several days afterwards. I don't think I'm cut out for running outdoors. I'll stick to my elliptical machine. After a night hot shower and a nap, we got to work on our dishes for Thanksgiving dinner. We made the stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn and rolls. We just barely finished cooking in time. Thanksgiving dinner was DELICIOUS and as always we had too much food. After dinner, we spent some time looking through the ads and didn't find any real reason to head to the stores that evening/night. Sally and I ventured out after breakfast on Friday to see if there was anything worth buying. We picked up a few items but nothing big. Later that afternoon all of us went to our favorite portrait studio - The Picture People - to take some photos of the boys and Blaire. It was definitely difficult getting 5 kiddos all looking at the camera at the same time. We gave up on trying to get them all smiling. We ended up with a couple of decent photos. Saturday after lunch the Stanfields headed home and we relaxed the remainder of the weekend.

That wraps up November. On to write up December's update.