Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our First Few Weeks in Our New Home

Our first few weeks were very busy ones. We made many, many trips to the store in order to stock our pantry and fridge as well as outfit our house with everything from trashcans to a vacuum cleaner. Poor James and John haven't run errands like that since starting school and were both worn out by all the running around. I also spent a lot of time getting boxes unpacks, clothes put away and everyone's rooms and beds ready.

Besides getting the house up and running, we also had to get the older boys ready for school. Thankfully Brian and I had gone to Jackson's while I was here looking at houses. We did well with the shorts and shirts but missed the mark on the sweaters and blazers. The sizes we chose for John fit James and thus had to make a trip to Jackson's over the weekend for some exchanges. Our last fews days before school started were spent getting school shoes and hemming up the boys' blazers and boiler suits.

The boys started Summer Term at St. Neot's Preparatory School on Wednesday, April 18th. Thankfully they were all up early so we had lots of time to eat breakfast and get dressed. I didn't know how long it would take us to get to school so we left really early and had to sit in the parking lot a while before school started. We first walked James to his class and got all of his things put away. Once he was settled in his room with his teacher, we took John to his classroom. Again, we got everything put away and him settled in with his teacher before heading back home. The first week flew by and it was the weekend again before we knew it.