Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Children Update

I guess I should also update you on what the kids are up to these days. John is all about singing these days. He loves to sing his ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle, Ring Around the Rosies, The Barney "I Love You" song, Old MacDonald, and a few others. He's counting to 10 and recognizes many colors. He's had a massive language explosion in the last few months. I can't even begin to count the number of words he has now. He's doing very will with his manners, always saying please and thank you. He's also getting really well with answering questions correctly. If I ask him where Daddy is, he'll answer "At work".

James is doing great in his class. His handwriting is improving and he's in the early stages of learning to read. He moves his fingers along with the words but I think he's memorized the story instead of actually reading the words. He's also fantastic with puzzles!! He has a few 12 piece puzzles that he's mastered so we got him some more challenging ones for his birthday. James will be starting soccer on March 10th and will be playing on a team with his buddy, Cameron. He's beginning to dribble the ball which is a vast improvement from the days when he'd only pick up the ball and never kick it.

I think that's about it for now. I'll try to snap a couple of new pics and maybe get video of John singing.