Monday, February 18, 2008

John's first birthday party

John attended his very first birthday party this past Sunday. It was for a little girl in his class at school and was at the Inflatable Zone here in Katy. He had an absolute blast going down all the slides. He had absolutely no fear whatsoever. It was definitely a workout for me since I had to help him get up all the steps but seeing that HUGE smile on is face was totally worth it. After the kids jumped around for an hour or so, they all went into the party room for some pizza and cupcakes. John sat at the table like one of the big kids, at a whole piece of pizze and ate a whole cupcake by himself. I think this is the place we're going to have the boys' birthday party this year as all the kids seem to have a blast. Plus it's indoors so no need to worry about bad weather. :)

At the top of a slide