Saturday, October 4, 2008

First stitches

Well James suffered his first head wound requiring stitches this afternoon. He was getting into position to help score a goal at his soccer game and he accidentally ran into the goal post. I was sitting with John and didn't see what happened. I knew he was hurt but from the look on the coaches faces, I could tell he was bleeding a lot. Thankfully one of the mothers had a washcloth on hand and I used that to get the bleeding stopped. Kristen pulled out her trusty first aide kit and we got the wound closed with a couple of butterfly bandages. Another wonderful parent bought James a snow cone for being such a brave kid. After the game was finished we headed over the Katy Urgent Care to have it looked at. They took the bandages off and determined it needed stitches. They put some numbing gel on it hoping to avoid the litacaine shot but in the end he needed the numbing shot. He cried the entire time but thankfully it was over quickly. He got a sucker and was immediately better. He took a good nap when we got home and has been fine ever since. No complaints and is playing like nothing ever happened. I'll post some pictures when I get them off of my camera.

Here are two pictures I took. These were taken a couple days after the incident so it looks much better than it did the first day.


The brave soldier.