Monday, July 20, 2009

Jude at 2 months old

Jude is 2 months old today!!! He had his well baby visit this morning and weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs 6 oz which is 90th percentile!!! I guessed he was under 12 and boy was I wrong. He's the largest of our three boys at this age. James was 12 lbs 6 oz and John was 12 lbs 0.5 oz. Jude is 24 inches long which is between the 75th and 90th percentiles so he's also a long baby. He did great with the three shots he had to get. He only cried for a minute or two.

Jude has grown and changed so much in the past month. He is all smiles and loves to "talk" and coo. He is also starting to voice his opinion. He'll fuss when he's tired of being in the swing or is sick of the same old song the bouncer plays. He also LOVES to stand up. He's got strong little legs already. He's also doing really well with holding up his head and doesn't mind tummy time. Jude still has beautiful blue eyes and a full head of dark hair. He really looks a lot like James did - pale with dark hair and blue eyes. Jude is eating about 5 oz per feeding and has slept through the night four or five times. He's also wearing 3-6 month sized clothes already. James and John are still in love with him. They both love that Jude now actually looks directly at them and will smile or talk to them. James talks about all the things he's going to teach Jude as he gets older. I can't wait to see all three of them grow up together.

From Baby Jude

From Baby Jude