Sunday, April 11, 2010

Homemade Gourmet

Yesterday I attended a Homemade Gourmet party at a neighbors house. I had never heard of the company before and was very interested to see what it was all about. Picture a Tupperware party but for food. The company sells several different spice mixes that help create a variety of meals. It picked up the "Let's Make Dinner Collection" that has 15 different spice mixes and an insert containing 20 recipe ideas. All 20 recipes are things you can mix together in a Ziploc bag, smoosh together and then freeze. I'm really looking forward to mixing these up with the boys and then cooking them in the coming months. I always have a hard time coming up with ideas for dinner and get bored making the same old things so this will definitely help! I'll keep you posted on how the meals turn out and what our favorites are.


Brooke D said...

Let me know how this turns out. Sounds like something I'd be interested in!