Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jude at 11 months

We're heading into the final month of Jude's first year. Much has stayed the same for Jude this past month. He's cruising around like crazy and has even stood on his own a few times. Earlier this month, he walked a few times with the help of his push toy but doesn't seem interested in doing that anymore. He also finally cut his first tooth. He was miserable for a few days and then it made it's appearance. I think he's working on tooth number two right now as his napping is off and he's very fussy when he's awake. Jude also got his first haircut at home. Brian held him while I cut his hair with the clippers as quickly as possible. It turned out pretty good although I missed a couple of spots in the back. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Jude went to bed before I could get the camera out tonight.