Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jude's First Birthday

I can hardly believe Jude's first year has come to a close. This has been the most wonderful year. Jude has been such a blessing to our family. He's such a happy, easy going little boy. I took him to the doctor this morning and he's growing and developing right on schedule. He weighs 25 lbs and 6 oz and is 31 inches tall. I'm not at all surprised at his numbers. He's so heavy and so tall. He had to get three shots and have his blood taken to check for anemia. We didn't have much time to really celebrate as it was a school day for both James and John but I did my best to make him feel special and extra loved today.

Jude isn't walking yet but he can stand on his own. I think it's a confidence thing because he can push a rolling toy all over the room with no problems at all. I imagine it will happen soon. Jude also has two teeth - the two on the bottom - as of his birthday. I think he's been the one to go the longest before getting any teeth. Jude is eating 100% table food. The boy will eat anything that is on your plate. He is definitely not a picky eater. He can also pack it away too. It really won't be long before we have to start purchasing him a kid's meal for himself. As of today, Jude is still on toddler formula. As soon as we get halfway through the last container I'll start introducing whole milk. I know that will be a shock for him. He usually has his formula at room temperature but of course milk needs to be cold. Hopefully he'll go with the flow.

Some things I'm looking forward to in the coming months:
First steps
New words
Full time walking (it's no fun carrying around 25 lbs when you're 5 months pregnant)
Introducing new foods - mainly breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles
First trip to the beach
and last but not least,
Jude becoming a big brother!