Saturday, September 4, 2010

Introducing Jonah Charles Hadley

We'd like to announce the birth of our fourth (and yes, final) little boy. Jonah Charles Hadley was born at 12:07 pm on September 2, 2010. He weighed 5 lbs and 6 oz and was 19.25 inches long.

This has definitely been a very interesting and exciting week for the Hadley family. On Monday morning I woke up with some bleeding so off to L&D we went. Thankfully the bleeding stopped and I was back at home by 11 am. I went to my regularly scheduled OB appointment on Tuesday and everything looked great! Wednesday was uneventful but things quickly changed Thursday morning when I woke to more bleeding. Back to L&D we went. My blood pressure was a bit high and after checking my and discovering I was already 4 cm dilated, my doctor decided we should go ahead and induce labor. I got all hooked up to an IV and my OB broke my water at 8:25 that morning. I soon moved to a labor and delivery room and started pitocin. I tolerated the pain until 11 am when I asked for some IV pain medication. I was feeling much better after that but definitely not for long. What seemed to me to be an entire afternoon was less than an hour. I started feeling pressure down below and had my nurse check me. I was already up to 7 cm. Three contractions later, I was at 9 cm and starting to push. I overheard the nurses saying my OB was about to walk into the OR to do a c-section but she needed to come deliver Jonah first. I tried my hardest to hold him in but my body had other plans. Jonah's head was already out when my doctor arrived. Things moved so fast that they didn't even have time to set up the table and get the stirrups out. Even though his birth was fast, he cried right away and had great APGAR scores. For the first time ever, the ultrasound estimates were correct. Jonah weighed in at 5 lbs 6 oz. He's a little peanut but perfectly healthy.

Here are some fun things about Jonah's birthday. He was born on 90210. He was born on my sister's half birthday. While his birthday isn't in the 20's like his brothers, he was born on the 2nd just like me and my sister.


The Weatherwaxes said...

Congratulations Hadleys!

Shannon Boyer said...

what a precious gift from God!