Sunday, September 5, 2010

Starting life as a family of 6

Brian and I left the hospital with Jonah in hand around noon on Saturday. We were hoping to leave earlier but we were waiting on my lunch to be delivered and the baby photographer to arrive. The boys were so happy to have Mommy and baby brother home. Thus far Jonah is fitting right in with our family. Like the majority of newborns, he sleeps, eats and poops. Right now he's eating every three hours and sleeping about two hours between feedings. Our first night at home went well. I fed Jude at 10 and he fussed a bit around 12 but settled down nicely and slept until 2. I fed him again and then he was down until 6. I was very appreciative of the extra hour between feedings. We have today and tomorrow at home as family before Brian heads back to work and the older boys go back to school. Here are some photos of Jonah getting ready to come home and all the boys together.


Rebecca and Vic said...

Love the pictures, congratulations!!! You make a beautiful family of 6 :-)