Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jonah at 3 months

Our sweet baby Jonah is three months old today. I'm doing my best to cherish each and every day with him as he's our very last baby. He's growing so much right now and is really filling out. His little cheeks are super chubby. He loves to look around and have chats with me. He still does not enjoy riding in the car but is starting to enjoy taking baths. He's also slept through the night for the past two nights which has been a real blessing. I'm really hoping this trend keeps up as we could really use our sleep at night. Jonah doesn't have a doctor's appointment this month so I don't know how much he weighs or how long he is. Jonah does have reflux and started taking Prevacid about a few weeks ago. We can definitely tell that the medicine is helping him as there is little to no screaming during feedings. He doesn't like taking the medicine which stinks. Next time I plan on getting the pharmacist to add flavoring and see if that helps at all. Jonah had his first real road trip over Thanksgiving and he did better than we expected. There was hardly any crying. We're still not ready to make the drive out to Tucson though. Maybe next year. Well that's about all I can think of right now. He's waking up from a little snooze so I better go get his bottle ready. More pictures to come soon.