Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January's Work on the Land

As I said in an earlier post, the trailer was placed on the land in the middle of December. We were finally able to go out to the land in the middle of January. It was quite the learning experience figuring out how to turn everything on and get everything connected properly. Once we got the trailer all set up and a movie going for James and John, it was time to get to work. Brian cut down two dead trees that were bordering a large clearing. Once he got them down and all cut up, I moved everything to the burn pile in the center of the clearing. He also cut down a tree that had snapped and partially fallen down. Since the wood was good, we saved some of it for future campfires and put the rest on the burn pile. Unfortunately, it rained off and on all weekend long so that was all we were able to accomplish between the showers.

Our second weekend was very successful as well. Even though there was a fairly high chance of rain, we only got a few light showers the entire time we were there. With the burn ban lifted, we were able to get the burn pile in the clearing all burnt as well as an older brush pile up at the front of the property. We were also able to cut down the two remaining trees we had hoped to cut down the prior trip and start a new burn pile with the branches and logs. Hopefully we'll be able to burn that pile on our next trip up. We also want to continue working to clean up two sections at the front of the property and improve the "curb appeal".

A HUGE thanks to my parents for watching Jude and Jonah for us while we went up to work.

Here are some photos I took. I added captions so you know what you're looking at.