Friday, February 4, 2011

Jonah at 5 Months

I really can't believe Jonah is another month old. This year is going by way too fast. Jonah is growing and changing each and every day. This month he started playing the the exersaucer and thus far he really likes it. I was amazed at how quickly he figured out how to turn the seat and play with all the different toys. He seems to mainly use it as a way to watch his brothers and their comings and goings in the house. Jonah is now completely over the swing. I've tried putting him in it a few times and he arches his back so I can't get him seated. Thankfully he'll still sit in the bouncer and on his play mat while I exercise. Even though he's plenty old enough, I haven't started Jonah on solids yet. He still has the tongue thrust reflex that makes solid feeding next to impossible. Hopefully he'll grow out of that in the next month and we can start with fruits and veggies. Jonah is still in 3-6 month clothes but he's about to move up to 6-9 month. I just need to get them out of the closet and all washed up. We're slowly weaning off the miracle blanket. He's only using it at night now. Jonah is a very observant little boy. He's always watching what everyone is doing. He's also starting to purposefully reach out to grab things. He loves touching my face and holding my fingers. He's also been to laughing and giggling when I tickle him. Thankfully with the help of some Selsin Blue we've almost gotten rid of the horrible cradle cap Jonah has. It was so gross and trying to pick it off was also pulling his hair out. That's about all I can think of that is new in the world of Jonah. Pictures will be posted soon.

Exploring the exersaucer

From Photos for Blog

Cutie pie
From Photos for Blog