Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jonah at 8 months

I'm a few days late because things have been super busy at our house with the school year winding down. Jonah is growing and changing so much these days. While much of his eating and sleeping habits remain the same, he's definitely moving into a new stage of babyhood. He's really wanting to stand a lot in our laps these days and this morning, I let him stand up at his little play table. He enjoyed the lights and music for quite a while before he lost his balance and fell over. He's also really trying to pull up when I hold my hands out to him. It won't be long before he masters that skill and start cruising along the furniture. Jonah is also starting to babble a lot and I can tell he's trying to communicate his wants and needs in ways other than crying. The other big accomplishment in the last month is that he's definitely mastered rolling from back to front. Unfortunately, he doesn't like being on his tummy and seems to have forgotten how to roll back the other way. I guess the upside is that he'll eventually figure out how to get up onto his knees and hopefully start crawling. These last four months of his first year are going to be a whirlwind of activity for our last little one. I can't wait for all of the coming "firsts".