Monday, August 15, 2011

Jonah at 11 months

Well, actually 11 and a half months. Sorry for being so late with this post. Jonah's word for month 11 is TEETH!!! He now has four of them!!! Two on top and two on bottom. Unfortunately, teething seems to be quite painful for Jonah and I have to give him Tylenol far more often than I did any of the other boys. Another new development this month has been the end of baby food. He wants absolutely nothing to do with it. Now he just gets small bites of whatever we're eating. He loves cheese, graham crackers, and macaroni and cheese the most but will eat just about anything we serve him. He's also become very vocal about what he wants and doesn't want. He's quite the opinionated baby boy. I recently moved Jonah up to size 18 month clothes as his pajamas were getting a bit short. It feels like just yesterday Jude was wearing those same exact clothes. Then I remember, it was just a short 15 months ago. There's not much more going on in Jonah's world other than his big brothers are heading back to school in a week so things will be a lot calmer at home. No major steps towards walking. He does like to push things around and walk behind them but no unassisted steps yet.