Saturday, May 23, 2009

James and John meet their new baby brother

The morning after Jude was born, my mom and sister brought James and John up to the hospital to meet their new baby brother. They were both so happy that he was finally out of Mommy's tummy and they could touch him. They each got to hold Jude on a pillow and give him lots of kisses. After that, they each got to have a piece of cake the hospital brought by the room. The postpartum room wasn't huge and they were both getting restless so they kissed their baby brother good-bye and headed to McDonald's to eat some lunch and play on the playground. Here are some photos we took.


Poppa Nat said...

Jude has received genuine loving affection from his older siblings, James and John. It brought back memories of Monica holding baby sister Jocelyn, just after she was born. The girls bonded in that moment, and have never lost that bond to this day.

Seeing the boys interacting with Jude, reminds me that he's never off their minds, and will always fit into their personal development.