Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All About James - Age 5

This post is dedicated to our fantastic five year old son, James. James is your typical boy and is definitely his father's son. James loves all things super hero and science fiction. One of his favorite things to do is play games on the Wii. Not your typical Wii Sports games but the role playing games where the characters are all made from Legos. He got the Batman game for Christmas and the Star Wars game with some of his Christmas money. While he doesn't mind playing alone, he really prefers to play with Brian after we eat dinner before taking a bath and going to bed. I'm just amazed at how he's mastered all of these complicated movements and use of so many buttons at such a young age. I know I sucked at video games when I was a kid and there was just the up,down, left, right, A and B buttons. James is also obsessed with all things Star Wars. He's seen all six movies about a hundred times and can tell you what happens in each one scene by scene. He loves to battle with toy lightsabers and has probably 7 to 10 scattered in the backyard just waiting to duel with whoever is willing to play with him. When we went to Disney World, he rode the Star Tours ride three times with Brian and thoroughly enjoyed the live show they had just outside the ride. We had hoped he'd put up his hand to go up on stage but he was too shy. Hopefully when we go back he'll be more willing to go up on stage to attend Jedi Training Camp and battle Darth Vader. I know I commented on John's addiction to chocolate so I have to note that James is the complete opposite. James likes candy but not anything chocolate. He likes Skittles and Starburst. He also much prefers rainbow sherbert to any other flavor of ice-cream. He also doesn't care for cookies, cake, brownies, or any typical desserts. He asked for a birthday cake but will only eat two bites and then throws the rest out.

We can hardly believe that James will be starting Kindergarten at the end of August. We have no idea where the last five years have gone but we know they have been better because of James. He's such a wonderful little boy. He's always giving me hugs and kisses and runs to greet Brian every day when he gets home from work. We will be sad to see him get on that bus but are happy that he's growing up happy and healthy.

James had a wonderful birthday. The day started out with opening presents from Mom, Dad, John and Jude. James received the Lego Indiana Jones game for the Wii, books, and a backpack for the upcoming school year. After that we went out for quesadillas as James' favorite meal is "cheesies". Afterward, Brian took James and John to see the new Pixar movie Up while I stayed home with Jude. After the movie, we were off to the mall to have James' five year old photos taken. James was a complete and total ham. We had a hard time chosing between all the great shots the photographer captured. The next day, Gammie, Poppa and Aunt Jocelyn came down to celebrate with us. James got a game for his computer, Hellboy and a super cool water gun. They boys and Molly had a blast playing with the water guns and hose in the backyard that afternoon.


Poppa Nat said...

Grandson James is a constant treasure to be enjoyed and shared with others. I'm really blessed that we live close enough, that I get to see him while he's developing into the little gentleman that his parents want him to be. He lets me be a kid again, with his lightsabers, and will let me know when I need to switch back to being "Poppa" again. His hand/eye coordination is very good, no doubt because of his Wii skills. Tossing & catching balls can go on for quite a while. And at the tender young age of 5, James has already demonstrated compassion for a fellow human being, when he will cover Jocelyn or Gammie with a throw blanket when planning to lay with her while watching a favorite DVD movie..and eventually nodding off to sleep.

The possibilities seem endless, when I look at James' potential...