Friday, June 19, 2009

Swimming with Gammie and Poppa

I'm a bit late in posting this but I got some great video of the boys swimming with Gammie and Poppa (my parents) last weekend. James is doing so well with swimming on his own - with the help of a floatie and close supervision from Poppa. He can swim from one set of stairs to the other all on his own. This is a huge improvement from last summer when he would only go a few feet before grabbing for me or the wall. John is also progressing a lot. Last year he wouldn't leave the stairs even if I was holding him. Now he's holding on to Gammie's arm and kicking his feet. The boys both start swim lessons at the Katy YMCA on the 6th of July. I'm hoping that these early summer pool outings help them get ready for their lessons. Here's a video of both of them swimming. It's about four and a half minutes just to give you a heads up.