Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jude at 1 month

I can hardly believe that our baby boy has been with us for a whole month. It seems like he's always been with us and yet at the same time it feels like he just came home from the hospital. Jude is such a wonderful baby. He really only cries when he's hungry and only whines/fusses when he's tired. He eats really well and thankfully is easy to burp. Swaddling with the Miracle Blanket helps calm him down and allows him to sleep longer. He also loves to sleep in his swing. Jude's not a huge fan of baths but he really enjoys having his hair washed. He just stares up at me and is super quiet while I'm doing it. Jude has really been filling out in the last two weeks. He's got chubby cheeks and his arms and legs are starting to get some baby fat on them. Jude also still has his dark blue eyes. His skin has also lightened up a lot so he looks a lot like James did at this age.

I'd had forgotten just how portable kids are at this age. Jude goes everywhere with us - playdates, errands, the movies, doctor's appointments, etc. Many people have commented on how much we've been doing with a newborn baby but you really don't have the option of sitting at home all day long when you have a three year old and a five year old. We've been sticking close to home but hope to take him on a road trip in a couple of weeks.

James and John are still totally in love with him. They both want to hold him a lot and are very helpful. John takes bottles back to the kitchen when Jude is done eating and James gives Jude a pacifier when he's upset and I can't get to him right away. Another way they've been helping is to play nicely with each other upstairs when I'm busy feeding or changing Jude. They are both constantly hugging him and giving him kisses and telling me how much they love him. Hopefully it will stay that way for a long time. I'm sure that will change once Jude starts getting into their toys.

Jude - 1 month old

The Hadley boys

From Baby Jude


Rebecca and Vic said...

That miracle blanket is the best thing ever invented!!! Jude is so cute, it was so fun to see him in person the other day :-)