Monday, August 24, 2009

A weekend of firsts and lasts

This weekend was full of firsts and lasts.

Saturday night was Jude's first overnight trip to Gammie and Poppa's house. He did a great job for them. He ate, played and slept well. This is definitely a sign that things will go well while Brian and I are in Alaska.

Friday night was Jude's last night in his bassinet. I moved all of his stuff (clothes, diapers, etc.) up to the nursery and put the bassinet away. He's officially out of our room.

Sunday night was Jude's first full night in his crib. He did ok. He slept until 3 am or so when I had to go give him back his pacifier. I had to go back up around 4 and then at 5:15, Brian brought him down to our room. I was tired of going up and down the stairs.

This weekend was James' last weekend of summer. To make it a special one, he got to spend the day with just me and Brian. We went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Rainforest Cafe for lunch and then to see the new movie Shorts. He had an absolutely wonderful day!! He even got to sleep over at his friend Cameron's house.

This was also my last week having James at home with me full time. Our original plan was for me to stop working after Jude was born but I'm so incredibly glad that I had a full year with James before he started Kindergarten. While he may have gotten on my nerves quite a few times, I am so blessed to have gotten that special time with him. He's grown and changed so much over the last year. I'm just happy I was able to be there to see it.

James and Daddy looking at the Triceratops skull

From James Birthday

Checking out the Mammoth skeleton
From James Birthday

Making hand prints on the Liquid Crystal wall
From James Birthday

Brian and James' hand prints
From James Birthday