Monday, August 24, 2009

We officially have a Kindergartener!

James has just arrived home from his first day of Kindergarten. This morning, I walked him to school and he rode the bus home. He said he had a lot of fun on his first day. They walked around the school to see where everything is. They found the office, library, and cafeteria. James ate all his lunch and even brought his Tupperware containers home like I asked him to. I found that he devoured his snack and drank all of his water. He must have been one hungry kiddo. He told me all about the stories they read and the new songs they learned today. He said he colored a few pictures of me and him and wrote his name like we practiced this summer. All in all, I'd say it was a successful day for him. He's all ready to go back again tomorrow.

All ready for school!

From James Birthday

James in his seat in Mrs. Moore's classroom
From James Birthday

Here's a short video of James getting off the bus this afternoon.


Rebecca and Vic said...

Yea, congratulations James on your first day of kindergarten!! We're glad to hear you had fun :-)