Tuesday, July 6, 2010

VBS 2010

This year's vacation bible school theme was High Seas Expedition. I decided to volunteer this year so I would know more about the songs, dances, bible buddies, etc. and was John's crew leader. I had a total of 7 pre-schoolers in my crew and three junior high helpers. The kids were all really great. They all participated in all the activities and had a really wonderful week. I was surprised at just how much activity they packed into three short hours. We saw a skit each morning, sung songs and danced, ate a snack, played games, did a craft, watched a short video and then joined the whole group in the Family Center for the finale. John LOVED the singing and dancing sections of the day the most. James had a great time in his group and enjoyed telling me all about his day when I picked him up. We're still listening to the CD in the car and I can see both James and John doing the dance moves in their car seats. I think the only one who did not have a fun week was Jude. He was not a very happy camper in the nursery. He's just not used to being with strangers for a few hours a day. Plus he still takes a morning nap which he missed all week long. All in all it was a great week and we can't wait to see what next year's theme will be.