Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Prep with the Lewis Family

While Brian was driving his grandparents to Texas from Arizona, the boys and I spent the weekend with my parents and sister. On Saturday we went to their house after dropping Brian off at the airport and had a yummy breakfast. I brought over some num-nums (super delicious bran muffins) and banana bread I had made the day before. The boys and I hung out with Gammie and Poppa all day. James brought over his new castle and John brought his sing along DVD. After my sister arrived, we all piled in the car and headed to Santa's Wonderland just outside of College Station. The boys did such a wonderful job during the very long wait to get in. I think we sat in the car for almost 2 hours to drive through all the light displays. It was worth it though because both James and John LOVED it. I'm not sure if we'll go again next year. I was so glad we arrived a little bit early because by the time we left, the line was 4 times as long as when we got in it. I'd hate to hear how long those people waited to get in. Anyway, we headed into College Station to eat some dinner at the Olive Garden. Again, the boys were really well behaved considering it was 2 hours past their normal dinner time. Thankfully I had brought their pajamas with us and so I changed their clothes before getting back in the car to drive home. All of the boys fell asleep and made the transition to their beds with no problems. Sunday morning, we drove back up to Gammie and Poppa's house and spent most of the day there. The boys helped decorate their Christmas tree and I played Harry Potter Scene It with my sister. We headed home around 4:30 because Brian was due home between 5 and 6. Even though we were without Daddy, we had a wonderful weekend with my family. Here are a few photos of the boys decorating the tree.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog