Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our Home Addition Project is Complete!!!

We came home Sunday to find our house was ready for us to move back in. The cleaning crew came over the weekend and everything was in really good shape. There were just a few remaining items on the punch list but nothing the would prevent us from moving back home. Sunday and Monday were a whirlwind of cleaning, packing, unpacking, and what seemed like a never ending pile of laundry. All in all, we were only out of our house for 5 weeks. We are over the moon with the results. The bedroom and bathroom turned out exactly as we envisioned and the new carpet is AWESOME. The only thing we wish we had done is put a light in the new hallway upstairs near the game room closed. It gets really dark up there at night. Thankfully a few well placed nightlights have solved the problem. I'm having a great time decorating the new bedroom (truck theme) and bathroom (monster theme). We are all so happy to be back in our house and Brian and I are definitely happy to be done commuting to and from Copperfield each day (thanks for letting us use your house Mom and Dad!!!). Here are pictures of the final product.


Shannon Boyer said...


What program are you using to put the slideshows of pictures on your blog? I want to do that!

Shannon :)