Wednesday, June 1, 2011

James' End of Year Celebration

Last Tuesday was James' end of year celebration and the boys and I had a great time. Ms. Meyer read a list of some of the things the kids accomplished over the year like how many spelling words they learned and how many teeth they lost. It was amazing to hear just some of the things the kids learned this year. After that, she read out which awards the kids had earned and had them each read something they wrote about first grade. The kids wrote about their favorite part of the school day or their favorite subject as well as something about their favorite field trip of the year. It was so great to see each of the kids reading something they had written out loud to the room. The kids then read of their top ten list as a class. Thankfully John, Jude, and Jonah were all well behaved. John and Jude found some toys to play with in the back of the class while all of this was going on so that kept them nice and quiet.

Last Friday the whole school had their end of year parties with each grade getting a 1 hour party in the gym. Thankfully 1st grade was from 1:30 to 2:20 so it was a great time to leave early for our Sea World trip. The party was a blast for the kids. We served them ice-cream sundaes and a variety of snack foods like cheese balls, chips and chex mix. The DJ the school hired was great. He had all the kids dancing the entire time. Plus he had great juggling skills that amazed the kids. It was a great way to close out the year. Just 2.5 days left of school and then it's summertime!!!