Monday, June 6, 2011

Jonah at 9 months

The word for this month is MOBILE!! Jonah is definitely on the move and while he can't completely control where he ends up, he's definitely going places. He's not 100% crawling yet but the second I sit him down, he's getting onto his tummy and then on to all fours if possible. He mainly moves backwards and in circles but occasionally he's made forward progress. He's figuring out how to move his hands and drag himself along. As I type this, he just managed to get from his tummy back into a seated position which will come in handy for the times he's tired of being on his stomach. I imagine in the next month he'll be a little speed demon.

Not much else has changed in Jonah's world. He's still eating about the same amounts of foods although he has been eating some table foods. He doesn't have any teeth so they are just things he can gum easily. He really seems to enjoy the fruit puffs and the fluffy part of popcorn (I take off the left over kernel parts). He likes to eat with us when we go out to dinner so I have to remember to take some food for him or order him applesauce. He's tried just about every fruit and veggie Gerber makes but hasn't moved on to the meals containing meat just yet. Maybe next month.

Jonah's 9 month check up went really well. Not only is he really tall for his age (74th percentile) but he's been growing by leaps and bounds weight wise. At 4 months he was in the 30th percentile for weight. At 6 months he was in the 40th percentile and now at 9 months, he's just above the 50th percentile. He weighed in at a whopping 20lbs 10oz!!! Not bad for a guy who started out at 5 lbs 6oz. He's still taking Prevacid for his reflux and we haven't discussed when to start weaning him off if it. Thankfully the pharmacist adds flavoring to his medicine so he doesn't mind taking it each morning.