Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jonah at 10 months

How is it that there's only 2 months left in Jonah's first year?!?! This past month has been super busy for Jonah. He's mastered crawling and even pulling up. He's just started cruising on the furniture and is slowly gaining confidence in moving his hands and feet while he's standing. We've also seen him eyeing the stairs and twice I've seen him pull up on the bottom stair and attempt to climb. I'm so not ready for that and I hope he puts it off for a while. Jonah's also enjoying fruit puffs along with his baby food. He occasionally gets to eat a bit of our food every now and then depending on what we're eating. He's sleeping quite well these days. We usually put him down between 7:30 pm and 8 pm and he's up between 6:30 am and 7 am. Naps are a different story. I rarely get an hour and a half nap from him. If he sleeps longer than that in the morning, he really won't take a second nap. I am so not ready for him to go down to one nap a day and I certainly don't think he's ready either. Hopefully once the summer is over, it will calm down in our house and he can get some better sleep during the day. Jonah is a wonderful baby and we're really enjoying every minute with him and cherishing our last months of his babyhood.