Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jude at 10 months

I'm a day late but yesterday was super crazy at our house. I couldn't believe it when I noticed today was the 21st and Jude is a whole month older. Not a whole lot has changed in the last month. Jude is pulling up on everything he can get his hands on and is gaining the confidence to start cruising. He's still eating mainly table foods and drinking four 6 oz bottles a day. He still doesn't have any teeth although I think the bottom ones are getting ready to break through the gums. He had a rough week sleep-wise but seems to be getting back on track with two naps a day and sleeping through the night. He's definitely become attached to his hippo and will hopefully use it as a lovey for the next few years. He reaches for it and pulls it in close every time I lay him down in his crib. Jude is wearing 18 month sized clothes now and will definitely be in 24 month before the weather starts to cool off again. Jude loves to be with his brothers and will search for them in the house. He had a blast standing up next to the tub while they were taking a bath. He was just laughing his little head off at their silly antics. I tried to get a video but he stopped the second I started recording. I'll have to snap some photos tomorrow as I didn't get a chance before he went to bed tonight.

From Photos for Blog

From Photos for Blog