Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jude's 9 month stats

Jude is still far and away our fastest growing child. At 9 months, Jude was 23 lbs 12 oz and 31 inches long. For some perspective, James was 24 lbs 2 oz (just a mere 6 oz more) and 31.25 inches tall at 15 months old. John was 23 lbs 14 oz and 31.5 inches tall at 15 months old. I'm really hoping that with all the crawling and hopefully walking in the next few months, that this growth rate will level off/slow down.


The Weatherwaxes said...


He's your BEASTIE BOY!

Ryan's not far behind...I'm estimating 21+ pounds at 9 months.

I'm enjoying your blog- keep posting!