Friday, March 5, 2010

Jude's First Infection

Well he had a good long healthy streak, much longer than either of his brothers, but Jude has finally had his first infection. This past Sunday, he started running a fever so I took him into Katy Urgent Care just to make sure he didn't have ear infection. The nurse practitioner on duty couldn't find any source of infection and indicated it was viral. She gave us antibiotics just in case which we started Sunday night. They really seemed to help until Wednesday morning when he broke out in a rash. I took him into our pediatrician who confirmed it was viral and that was how many viruses worked - two to three days of fever, no fever and then a rash. He instructed us to stop the antibiotics and that the rash would go away on it's own in a week or so. Jude isn't eating nearly as well or drinking as much as he normally does but hopefully that will get better as he starts feeling better. The poor thing has just been pathetic. He's finally starting to get some of his energy back. He used to just sit around and whine whenever I put down. Now at least he's crawling around to come after me when I move on to another room. Hopefully he'll feel much better by the end of the weekend.