Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jonah at 2 months

Today marks Jonah's 2 month birthday. I took him to the pediatrician for his check up this morning and he's 10 lbs 6 oz and 20" long. He still smaller than Jude and James but definitely gaining well. He's eating seven 4 oz bottles a day and still only waking up once a night to eat. We'll be moving him to 6 oz feedings here this week and I'm hoping that the increase in formula during the day will help wean him off of that middle of the night feeding. Jonah is really starting to focus on faces now and coos a lot when you talk to him. His brothers still adore him and love giving him kisses - especially Jude. Jonah goes everywhere with me and has been up at James' school many, many times. He still enjoys riding in his baby carrier although I finally broke out the double stroller.

I think our only complaint is that Jonah is not a wonderful car rider. He seems to cry almost the second we get moving no matter what. He can have a full belly, clean diaper and he would still cry. Thankfully he did make it to and from College Station without much crying. Granted, I did ride in the back seat next to him replacing the pacifier several times. Hopefully the three hour ride to Georgetown at Thanksgiving won't be a disaster. I hope the crying will decrease as he gets older otherwise we're in for a very long 10 months.